Bolted Connections in Solar Installations: Corrosion

For bolted connections in any outdoor environment, avoiding corrosion is going to be key to preserving the integrity of the assembly. This is of course true for fasteners used in solar installations, since they’re not only exclusively used in outdoor environments, but often in some with the harshest exposure to the elements.

Joints exposed to a corrosion attack suffer deterioration. Failure caused by corrosion should receive priority attention, but even small amounts of corrosion causing loss of material can result in loss of preload.


To reduce the possibility of corrosion in bolted connections, consider the following:

  • Use corrosion resistant and compatible materials.

  • Basic factors affecting how a corrosion-resistant fastener should be chosen:

    • tensile strength

    • fatigue strength

    • position of the fastener and materials to be joined on the galvanic series scale

  • Basic factors affecting how a corrosion resistant protective coating for fasteners should be chosen:

    • Level of corrosion resistance

    • Limitations due to temperature

    • Base metal embrittlement

    • Any effect the coating may have on fatigue life

    • Any effect the coating may have on locking torque

    • Whether or not the coasting is compatible with adjacent material

    • If the coating will cause any dimensional changes

    • Thickness & distribution

    • Adhesion characteristics

  • Protect from environmental exposure

Want to learn more about preventing corrosion in bolted connections? Contact us for assistance.

Kyle Domer