How Much Revenue is a Soiled PV Array Losing?


How much revenue is a soiled PV array losing, and at what point does it make sense to wash the array?

Owners, developers, bankers and O&M providers all want to know when it makes sense to clean a PV array to recapture revenue that it would otherwise lose due to soiled modules. On the one hand, an overly soiled array represents a loss of money. On the other, a premature cleaning represents a waste of money. While you must consider many variables to reach a definitive washing decision, the economics of module washing are not complex: If having a clean array saves more money than it costs to wash the array, then washing it probably makes sense.

This article shares some of our analyses and observations on array soiling drawn from many years of operational experience. We have had successes and failures, which have led to interesting discoveries and some dead ends. We have based most of our research on utility-scale PV plants with high dc-to-ac ratios in sunny, arid locations. These plants are subject to a unique set of circumstances: They spend a lot of time at full power, have relatively steady soiling rates and are rarely exposed to enough rain to significantly clean the modules.

Click here to read the full article at Solar Pro Magazine.



Step One
A chemical fills in the microscopic ridges.

Step Two
This bonding substrate is then capped and sealed, enhancing surface smoothness.


  • Soiling inhibitor
  • Scratch resistance
  • Impact resistance
  • Resistance to leaching of calcium and sodium (etching caused by hard water)
  • At least 20% more brilliance - shine in glossy surfaces
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Improves cleaning with all systems - Manual, Automated, Mobile, Rainfall
  • Increased PV efficiency


  • 15 year limited warranty for commercial solar panel application
  • Residential (limited lifetime) warranty

Contact us to get started and stop losing money to soiling.

Kyle Domer